
The Sea View Trust (@SeaViewTrust) / TwitterÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ (@PCABlackpool) / Twitter Park Community Academy 


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information Report.

January 2025


Park Community Academy



158 Whitegate Drive


Mrs G Hughes


Mrs V Heaney

Secondary SENDCO

Mrs K Emsley

Telephone number

01253 764130

E mail address


Web site address




The Governors and Staff of ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ aim to provide high-quality educational provision for all pupils in an environment which reflects care, happiness, enjoyment and success.


Our Mission Statement:

"We grow together, we learn together, we will achieve our best together."

Grow, learn, achieve


PCA's overarching curriculum

Golden Threads - enable children and young people to be

Successful Learners,

Resilient Individuals and

Responsible Citizens


Our vision and ethos

All pupils at ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ have an Educational Health Care Plan. The primary aim of all staff and Governors at ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ is to provide a suitable learning environment for everyone to achieve and to make progress. All pupils at ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ are treated with respect as individuals and are encouraged to develop to the best of their potential.


Regardless of individual needs, all pupils are offered a broad and balanced curriculum which is a differentiated, meeting the requirements of the Foundation Stage of Learning and the National Curriculum, but offered in a way that is appropriate to the ability and age of each child.


Pupils are guided and supported to develop concepts, skills and understanding in the core areas of the curriculum such as English, Mathematics and Science and this is linked to all subject areas. In all areas of the curriculum, pupils are taught at a level that is appropriate to their age and stage of development.   The three strand curriculum provides opportunity for all pupils to have the opportunity to continue to develop the life skills that will enable them to work towards their aspirations and to reach their potential as successful learners, resilient individuals and responsible citizens.


All pupils at ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ are valued and included in all learning and activities regardless of abilities, needs and behaviours. Equal opportunities are supported at all times.

All pupils are entitled to a broad, balanced and enriching curriculum that is adapted as appropriate to meet individual needs.

All our teachers are teachers of children with special educational needs. All our children can learn and make progress.

Maintaining children’s safety and wellbeing is central to their development.


Effective assessment and monitoring of the provision for children with SEND will be secured in partnership with parent/carers, children, LA and other partners.


At ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ we support pupils with the following areas of special needs and disability:

  • Communication difficulties
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Specific learning difficulties
  • Physical difficulties and medical needs
  • Sensory difficulties -  vision/hearing difficulties and associated social, emotional and mental health difficulties.
  • Severe, Moderate and Complex learning difficulties.  

ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ is an inclusive school and offers the following range of provisions and interventions to support children with special educational needs.


What social skills programmes and support including strategies to enhance self-esteem is in place?

  • Learning Mentor support, focusing on social and emotional development, delivered 1:1, paired or in a group as appropriate, either in or out of class. Learning Mentors run 1:1 'walk & talk' sessions and group sessions with Daisy our school therapy dog, including 'reading' sessions.
  • School nurse practitioners targeted support for children and their families.
  • Opportunities to be included in the whole School Council, and organise enterprise activities such as coffee mornings.
  • Opportunities to take part in residential school trips such as York, Tower Wood Outdoor Education Centre, Bendrigg Activity centre and D of E NCS/Edinburgh. These activities are planned and organised to meet the needs of each child and develop independence and life skills.
  • Tailored intervention programmes delivered by the school’s allocated educational psychologist and advisory teachers to support children and their parents/carers, as appropriate.
  • Intervention from the Targeted Family Support Service for children and their parents/carers on referral delivered both in school and in the home.
  • Intervention from the Headstart Resilience Coach, the Mental Health Support Team (MHST), Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) for children and their parents/carers on referral, delivered at CAMHS or in school as appropriate.
  • Development of gardening skills through projects delivered by teachers in the school garden.
  • Participation in a range of creative arts activities including school concerts, summer production, Christmas production, fashion shows, the school band and choir.
  • Pupil involvement in WAM Assemblies and SCARF assemblies, developed to promote self-esteem and a sense of pride in celebrating personal achievements.
  • Extensive use of rewards systems and rewards days including star of the week, achiever of the week, 100% attendance and PCA Way achiever of the week.
  • Access to a wide variety of after school Clubs, Youth Club, lunchtime clubs and the school summer scheme.
  • Opportunities to be involved in the buddying system, PALS, peer reviews and pathways programme.
  • Work experience programmes for pupils in KS4 &5.


Will my child have access to a supportive environment including IT facilities, equipment and resources?  How are the school resources allocated, secured and renewed?

  • A multi-sensory room equipped with a range of specialist resources including a 3D immersive environment and interactive floor. The room can be controlled by pupils using iPads.
  • A multi-sensory soft playroom with video projectors and musical surfaces.
  • A fully equipped dance and drama room.
  • Access to fully-equipped specialised teaching areas: Design Technology Room, Art Rooms, Science Lab and newly built Sports Hall.
  • Fully functioning 'Life Skills Suite' in Westbury and The Oracle to encourage skills required for aspirations into adulthood. 
  • Adapted and specialised Food Technology and Design Technology Department.
  • Outdoor learning sensory environments, all-weather multi-games area, garden & greenhouse, outdoor gym, trim trail and Forest School areas and outside classroom.
  • Extensive and consistent use of visual support both in and out of class to support understanding and facilitate access to the school environment and learning.
  • Provision of individually tailored visual support packages for specific children including individual timetables, behavioural cue cards, PECS, communication books and Makaton.
  • Use of ‘Communicate in Print’ to produce visual prompt cards relating to topic work.
  • Pre-teaching of new concepts and vocabulary using colourful semantics to enhance learning.
  • Use of interactive whiteboards and sound field systems in classrooms.
  • Provision of specialist equipment, e.g. specialist equipment provided by the LA for Visually Impaired & Hearing Impaired pupils, and a specifically designed toileting area for children with physical needs and adaptation of the environment through the addition of grab rails, to promote independence and integration.
  • Access to IPads and laptops.
  • Provision of resources to enhance independent learning such as easy-grip scissors.
  • Differentiated work and resources; tailored to pupil's needs.
  • Access to voice recording equipment to allow opportunities for oral rehearsal prior to writing.
  • Access to IT software to support learning including class sets of iPads and Laptops in each Key Stage.
  • Continual updates of pupil progress and school activities are provided on the school website. This includes continually refreshed class Blogs and ‘X’ feeds.
  • The introduction of Home/School eBooks for pupils and parents to access at home.
  • Each child’s SEND need is identified in their individual EHCP. The local authority provides a funding band which is matched to the amount of support and provision required for each child. The school business manager and finance officer ensure that the school is getting value for money. The school has a very detailed school improvement plan that supports all long term improvements and provision arrangements.


What strategies/programmes are in place to support speech and language including staff expertise and training?

  • Assessment and interventions from the speech and language therapists on referral.
  • Support and monitoring service provided by the teacher of the deaf on referral.
  • Referral and assessment to Audiology Services.
  • Team teaching provided with the Speech and Language Therapists in small or whole class groups.
  • Delivery of interventions recommended by the Speech and Language Therapist by a trained teaching assistants or class teacher.
  • Use of MAKATON, with all staff receiving regular staff training.
  • Use of Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS), Communication Books/aids, and whole school visual timetable to support communication skills as required.
  • Centrally stored SALT resources are available for whole-school use to ensure consistency of approaches within the school.
  • Colourful Semantics is used within school to support understanding of Language.
  • Provision of ‘Talking Homework’ within Early Years and planned use of puppets and sound/ phonics tubs to extend communication skills.
  • Use of Communication in Print 2 desktop publishing program for creating symbol-supported resources.
  • Speech and Language recommended Apple iPad Applications.
  • PLOT Boxes
  • Lego therapy is delivered in small groups.
  • Regular whole staff training is delivered by Speech and Language Team.
  • NELI Training
  • ELKLAN trained staff
  • Attention Autism


How will the learning mentors provide support?

  • Learning Mentor support and interventions delivered in class, 1:1 or in a group, to develop positive attitudes towards learning, and out of class to address social and emotional issues which affect children’s learning progress.
  • Buddy systems and PALS for KS3/4 to support younger pupils on the yard, for support during playtimes and lunchtimes.
  • Access to peer mentoring programmes and Digital Leaders mentoring activities.
  • 1:1 'walk & talk' sessions with Daisy, the therapy dog.
  • Allocated Learning Mentor room (The Nest). 
  • Academic Tutor and Mantor for ‘Our Children’.


How will my child access strategies/programmes to support Occupational Therapy/Physiotherapy needs?

  • Interventions from an Occupational Therapist / Physiotherapist by referral.
  • Delivery of interventions recommended by the Occupational Therapist / Physiotherapist by trained ANTA’s and class teachers.
  • Access to a purpose-built soft playroom and soft play equipment.
  • Access to equipment recommended by physio for playground equipment selected specifically to encourage gross motor development, including outdoor gym equipment on KS4 Senior yard.
  • Planned regular fine motor sessions and activities delivered 1:1 or in class groups.
  • Regular opportunities to participate in a large variety of differentiated sporting events and physical activities such as swimming sessions, sports day and cycling.
  • Regular opportunities to take part in ‘Move it, groove it’ key stage sessions.
  • Use of Stanley Park Sports Hall and sporting equipment.
  • Use of rebound therapy and trampolines in school.


What strategies are in place to reduce anxiety/promote emotional wellbeing and help children during key transition times?

  • Pupil’s achievement is celebrated through the weekly newsletters, blogs and ‘X’.
  • Regular use of Home/school Diaries when required.
  • Parents Evenings, Review meetings, Teachers 2 Parents texts organised and Arbor are used to support communication between the home and school.
  • The educational psychologist works closely with referred children and their parents/carers and provides ongoing support to children and teachers.
  • Weekly liaison between learning mentor, home/school liaison manager, SENDCO and school nurse practitioner to ensure concerns regarding individual families/children are shared, following which contact is made with parents and carers to discuss any issues and arrange meetings, referrals  or home visits as required.
  • Weekly PIMS meetings
  • Regular communication with all external professionals involved with children, as required, e.g. Hospital consultants, GPs and CAMHS practitioners.
  • All staff are trained in child protection at regular intervals.
  • Meet and greet planned activities incorporated at the start of each day.
  • In-school 1:1 or specific small groups support from the learning mentor when required.
  • Referral to CAMHS (Child and Adolescence Mental Health Services), Resilience Coach, MHST (Mental Health Support Team) for support.
  • Use of social stories to help children to understand situations that cause anxiety.
  • Specialised sensory equipment available to all children when required for sensory needs such as ear defenders, weighted blankets, blackout tent, fidget toys, rocking chairs, weighted cushions, wobble cushions, wedge cushions, therapy balls, and tactile, vestibular and oral motor equipment. Sensory Diet list and bags.

How will my child be supported when moving between different Key Stages?

  • Induction activities for all transitions such as moving from one key stage department and into the next key stage department.
  • Annual Careers Events are held to support families with options for Post 16 Education and services of support that are available in and around Blackpool.


What strategies are in place to support/develop English and reading?

  • Differentiated work and resources is used consistently to enable access to the curriculum.
  • There is a programme of continual staff training and development in curriculum-specific areas.
  • Specialist English and Dyslexia teachers are available to support teachers and children when required.
  • Accredited external courses are available to pupils according to individual needs.
  • The use of pre-teaching strategies is used for new vocabulary/challenging concepts.
  • Literacy skills are further developed through the use of Apple IPad Applications
  • Small group work/1:1 sessions are planned for additional language support by the speech and language therapists.
  • Differentiated phonics groups are used to deliver targeted teaching and learning activities.
  • Small group intervention activities are planned to meet individual children’s learning needs.
  • Oxford Owl eBook scheme has been introduced for pupils, it is an interactive home/school reading scheme that can be accessed on any computer to enable pupils to have access to consistent and relevant reading material.
  • Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic teaching and learning styles are incorporated into all planned activities to ensure all pupils’ needs are met within each lesson.
  • A variety of schemes are used at the school to further develop children’s skills and interests in reading, such as Jolly Phonics programme, Rapid Phonics scheme, Oxford Reading Tree Scheme, Toe by Toe programme, IDL Programme and Bug Club.
  • Children’s progress is closely monitored through the use of whole school BSQ and phonics assessments and assessed writing.
  • Children also have access to external accreditation, mainstream schools and college links as required to further develop skills and knowledge.

What strategies are used to support/develop numeracy?

  • Differentiated work and resources are used consistently to enable access to the curriculum through Maths Mastery and the White Rose maths scheme.
  • Specialist maths teachers are available to support teachers and children when required.
  • There is a programme of continual staff training and development in curriculum-specific areas.
  • SUM Dog is used by pupils throughout the school.
  • Pathways functional skills programme is available for pupils.
  • Practical real-life maths activities are planned into the school curriculum such as the school shops, enterprise activities, coffee mornings and the whole school £30 Challenge.
  • Children have access to mathematical skills through iPad Applications.
  • Pre-teaching of new vocabulary / challenging concepts is consistently developed in all lessons.
  • Children have access to small group support for additional numeracy sessions as required.
  • Children have access to external accreditation, mainstream schools inclusion and college links.
  • Maths Mastery teaching throughout the Key Stages.
  • Maths clusters / Maths moderated activities.
  • Numicon and other concrete resources purchased to support Maths Mastery.


What provision is in place to enable children with SEND to access to the curriculum?

  • Reading and phonics intervention groups.
  • Children are provided with differentiated work and resources to enable access to the curriculum
  • Pre-teaching of new vocabulary / challenging concepts is developed in all lessons.
  • Prompt cards are made for new vocabulary using communication inPrint2 desktop publishing program.
  • Children have targeted support provided by in-class group support or 1:1 support from ANTA’s as required.
  • Specialist equipment is provided as recommended by external agencies (e.g. tabletop writing slopes, wobble cushions, pencil grips).
  • A personalised curriculum is developed where appropriate.
  • Health Care Plans, Individual Pupil Risk Assessments, Pupil Profiles, individualised targets and BSQ, can all be used to enable all pupils to have access to a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Supported access to college and supported work experience is provided as required.
  • The school has subject-specific teachers and specialised learning areas to further enhance teaching and learning.
  • Supported mainstream schools inclusion and college links are provided where appropriate.
  • A large range of specialised resources and ICT equipment is available in all curriculum areas.
  • Learning outside the classroom activities are planned to enhance the whole of the curriculum, including the Forest School areas and outdoor classroom.

What support is in place to develop independent learning skills in preparation for adult life?

  • Child initiated and continuous provision activities within the Early Years are the foundation of teaching children how to be independent from a young age and is further developed as children progress through school.
  • Use of visual timetable, word mats, timers, and scaffolded writing tasks.
  • Consistent access to ICT is available both within the classroom via IPads and laptops.
  • Adapted curriculum / modified resources / alternative methods of recording findings are used to further develop independent learning skills.
  • Peer support/mentoring encourages children to further develop independent skills and knowledge.
  • Mobility training activities are planned and delivered to teach children how to travel on public transport.
  • Work experience opportunities enable children to acquire independence within the workplace.
  • Life Skills Programmes and Personal, Social, Health and Education (PSHE) schemes of work and activities are delivered throughout the school.
  • A range of residential activities are available to further support independence and life skills.
  • Careers events and World at Work days are organised to support pupils and families with preparation for adulthood.
  • Regular trips out into the community and visitors into school support with preparation for adulthood.

What strategies are in place to support children’s behaviour?

  • The school has a full-time Assistant Head for Behaviour and Pastoral, Family Support Team and Learning Mentors support available to staff and pupils.
  • Behaviour management training, Team Teach programme.
  • Regular whole school activities are planned to support the PCA Way, class rules, and Home School Agreement.
  • Use of whole school reward (Dojo’s) and behaviour modification systems including rewards and traffic lights encourages children to understand the expectations of behaviour within the school.
  • Lunchtime clubs are available to support children during less structured times of the day.
  • Individual Behaviour Plans are developed where appropriate to support children experiencing specific difficulties in this area.
  • Social Stories are developed to help children to learn to develop skills and knowledge in this area.
  • Targeted 1:1 behaviour support can be provided by class ANTAs/SSAs.
  • Home/School Diary is used to ensure strategies are consistent between home and school.
  • Support from Educational Psychologists is provided when required.
  • Behaviour monitoring systems are in place to assess pupil’s needs and are recorded electronically on CPOMS.
  • Peer mentors and various activities are used to further develop personal and social skills.
  • Regular whole school staff behaviour management training is provided to ensure consistency of behaviour management strategies across the school.
  • 1:1 'walk & talk' sessions with the therapy dogs. 


How is support provided during at less structured times of the day including supporting children with personal care?

  • The Learning Mentors provide targeted individual supported activities during less structured times of the day.
  • Trained welfare staff engage vulnerable children in organised games during lunchtime.
  • Social stories are used to support personal care/playtime interactions.
  • Peer support from older pupils is included in less structured times of the day (PALS)
  • School Nurse practitioners and external agencies support and activities when required.
  • Pupil's may have a named ANTA/SSA to go to for support during less structured times.
  • Children receive individual support with personal care from familiar ANTAs/SSAs and teachers.
  • Lunch time clubs and quiet rooms are available each day.
  • Parents drop in sessions and workshops are planned to support families.
  • Personal Care plans are created when required.


What arrangements are in place for assessing, monitoring and reviewing pupil’ progress towards EHCP outcomes?

  • The Education, Health and Care Plans (EHC Plans) inform all planning and is a record of the individual child’s needs.
  • Annual Reviews and reports to parents provide updated assessments and are used to plan the next steps of achievement.
  • Pupil's personalised targets are used to assess needs and plan the next steps.
  • Use of Early Years and Foundation Stage (EYFS) baseline in year R and EYFS Curriculum assessments  in year 1 supports children’s development and progress.
  • Every child has a continual record of progress using the BSQ Connecting steps assessment tool.
  • A PCA progression Tracker is used to set targets and help teachers plan for appropriate learning experiences.
  • Formative, summative assessments and pupil observations are used throughout the school.
  • SATS (Standard Assessment Tests) tests are given at the end of Year 6. They are used to show your child's progress compared with other children born in the same month.
  • External Accreditation at an appropriate level is available to all students including Entry Level, Functional Entry Levels, Functions Skills Levels 1/2, BTEC, GCSE and Duke of Edinburgh and Arts Award Bronze / Silver.
  • Whole school assessments and marking policy ensure consistency throughout the school.
  • Team planning meetings are used to ensure all pupils’ individual needs are met.
  • Strong relationships and communication  between PCA staff and outside agencies involved with the pupil and families.


Will there be opportunities for me to discuss my child’s progress with the school and other agencies?

  • The school has three experiences full time members of the Children Family Support Team to work closely with families and children.
  • The school has strong links with a wide variety of professionals such as the school nurse practitioner, educational psychologist, school medical officer, speech and language therapists, advisory teachers, and occupational and physical therapists. Meetings are arranged from which strategies and advice are implemented to support individual children’s needs to ensure access to the whole of the curriculum
  •  A minimum of three parents/carers meetings are held each year, these include the Autumn Term and Summer Term parents evening and annual review meeting.
  • Attending Team Around the Family meetings to support the implementation of the Common Assessment Framework is accessed when required.
  • Regular meetings/phone conversations with parents of vulnerable pupils take place when required.
  • Detailed end of year reports are written for parents/carers to summarise each child’s progress throughout the year.
  • A range of different methods is used to ensure home/school links such as - Home/School Diaries, website, blog, Twitter, teachers 2 parents, weekly newsletters, and curriculum forecasts.
  • Annual Spring Fayre, fundraising events, social evenings, coffee mornings, and workshops also provide opportunities for home/school links.
  • The school has Parent Governors who are available to meet parents/carers.


How will my child be supported if they have medical and / health needs?

  • The school has regular training and support from external medical professionals in relation to children with medical needs (e.g. epilepsy, diabetes, asthma, epi-pen).
  • Individual Health Care Plans are developed for children with significant medical needs and allergies
  • Individual Pupil Risk Assessments are used to ensure all staff are aware of the individual needs of pupils.
  • Provision of aids and resources to support learning.
  • Access to advice/assessment from School Nurse Practitioner and Doctors.
  • 1:1 support is provided by trained school staff when children are self-administering medication.
  • First Aid Training is undertaken by all staff and the school also has specialist first aiders available on site as well.
  • The accessibility plan outlines the proposals to continue to increase access to education for pupils with disabilities in the three areas required by the planning duties in the Equality Act 2010.

A person is regarded as having a disability under the Act where the person has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day activities.

    • The plan aims to increase the extent to which pupils with disabilities can participate in the school curriculum.
    • Improve the environment of the school to increase the extent to which pupils with disabilities can take advantage of education, benefits, facilities and associated services provided.
    • Improve the availability of accessible information, which is readily available to other pupils, to pupils with disabilities.

The governing body also recognises its responsibilities towards employees with disabilities.


Who can I contact If I would like my child to have a place at ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½?

All admissions art ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ are managed by Blackpool Local SEND Team. Please speak to the team that managed your child’s EHCP.


ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ provides further information in the following Policy documents:

School Brochure

SEND Policy

Discipline and Behaviour Policy

Accessibility Plan

Assessment Policy

Aims and Objectives Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Complaints Procedures


ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ works closely with Blackpool LEA to support Blackpool Local Offer. To find out more information on the Blackpool SEND Local Offer please click the link below -



Who can I contact for further information or to discuss a concern?

The class teacher is the first point of contact but parents are also welcome to contact the SENCOs directly about any concerns.

Useful contact details:

Headteacher:     Mrs Hughes

SENCO's:              Mrs Heaney, Mrs Emsley

SEND Governor:   Mrs Fielder

01253 764130


For details of Blackpool LEA local offer follow the link http://www.blackpool.fsd.org.uk/kb5/blackpool/fsd/localoffer.page


An Invite for feedback

This offer is intended to give you clear and accurate information.

If you would like to comment on the content of the offer or make suggestions to improve the information, please email:  admin@park.svt.org.uk