Children’s Mental Health Week
This week is Children’s Mental Health week! We discussed the theme of this week which is ‘know yourself, grow yourself’. We talked about how, just like flowers, we all need certain things to help us grow! Pupils in 3H then worked with adults to think about all the things they need to help them to…
Category: 3H 2024-2025
Move It Groove It
This morning 3H stepped into the ring - the classroom - for an action-packed boxing workout that had everyone bobbing and weaving with excitement! As it is Children’s Mental Health Week we discussed how important physical activity is to help us boost our mental health, and highlighted the link…
Category: 3H 2024-2025
4H Arcimboldo Art Work
Category: 3H 2024-2025
Achiever of the Week
Well done to Lacey who is our Achiever of the week! Lacey has engaged excellently with our English lessons and showed excellent recall of key facts from our focus narrative. Well done!
Category: 3H 2024-2025
Draw Your Own Magical Object!
In English, following on from our story ‘the Magic Paintbrush’, 3H have shown fantastic imagination in drawing their own ‘magic objects’. We’ve had magic pens, trees, mirrors and so much more! Everyone has worked independently using their creativity to come up with something…
Category: 3H 2024-2025
The Year of the Snake!
In our Geography lesson we put our fine motor skills to the test and created our own spiral snakes to celebrate Lunar New Year! We listened to the story of why each Lunar New year is represented by a different animal and enjoyed finding out which animal represented the year we were born in!!
Category: 3H 2024-2025
Lunar New Year painting and fine motor!
In Geography our topic is ‘China’. Today we talked all about the upcoming Lunar New Year and that this year is the year of the Snake. We enjoyed watching Chinese Dragon dances before diving into our activities! We warmed up our hands with a ‘dough disco’ and then continued to practice and build on…
Category: 3H 2024-2025
Yoga and Mindfulness
This morning 3H completed a Cosmic Kids Yoga session.
Yoga promotes a mind-body connection by linking the mind and body through breath awareness and movement. Yoga helps us become more aware of our physical body, emotions, and thoughts, and supports us to independently self-regulate! What a…
Category: 3H 2024-2025
Achiever of the Week
3H’s Achiever of the week is Lucas for being a kind and considerate friend. Well done Lucas!!
Category: 3H 2024-2025
Butterfly Hug
3H have been enjoying taking part in mindfulness. Today pupils used ‘The butterfly hug’ which is a technique used to support self soothing, improve breathing and calm you.
Category: 3H 2024-2025
The Magic Paintbrush
In English 3H have been reading the story of ‘The Magic Paintbrush’, today they worked as a team to re-enact the story, using masks and props.
Category: 3H 2024-2025
In RE today, 3H took part to in an activity to promote independent thinking. Pupils had to close their eyes without seeing others to answer questions, to allow them to have confidence in their own answers.
Category: 3H 2024-2025