
Residential experiences provide pupils with a valuable learning experience which allows them to learn valuable life skills. At PCA we believe our residential programme allows pupils throughout the school to experience a rich variety of trips which will create life long memories. The school’s commitment to its residential programme is reflected in the fact it subsidies a proportion of the final cost for each pupil attending the trip. We believe providing our pupils with these types of experiences plays a vital role in preparing them for adult life.

Currently the school offer the following residential activities:

Year 6 pupils – During the two-day residential trip pupils stay overnight at Great Tower Scout camp. The OAA based trip gives pupils the opportunity to experience a range of activities including canoeing and paddle boarding on Lake Windermere, orienteering within Great Tower Scout camp and learning basic camp crafts.

Year 9 – pupils attend a two-day city break during the Autumn term. Recent trips have involved the pupils going to York. During the trip they visit local museums and attractions. They travel to the city on train and stay in a local hotel with other paying guests

Year 11 – Bendrigg is an Outdoor and Adventure Activity. During the three day residential pupils experience a wide range of OAA activities such as caving, rock climbing, abseiling, ropes course, archery. Throughout the trip pupils are expected to make their own lunches, keep the lodge tidy and look after their belongings.

Sixth Form – Pupils get the opportunity to visit another major city. They learn about the history and culture of the city as well as visiting local attractions. In recent years this has taken place in London.

Duke of Edinburgh bronze – To fulfil the requirements of the bronze DofE accreditation the pupils have to complete a one night camp. They are expected to sleep in tents and cook aspects of their food. During the expedition they are external moderated, and have to pass this section to be awarded the bronze award. In preparation for the camp pupils may also do a one night practice camp.

Duke of Edinburgh silver – pupils have to complete a two-night residential trip sleeping in a tent which they have to put up themselves. Like the bronze award the pupils are external moderated throughout the expedition

Additional residential visits

Recently the school swimming team has qualified to compete in the North of England and national swimming competitions. As these events take place in Sheffield and London respectively pupils have stayed over the night before the competition. This has helped the pupils learn about preparing for sporting events as well as developing life skills such as staying in a hotel and travelling to different venues.