Music time
In music 2C work with Miss Cassidy who has been helping the children understand how to operate a keyboard, and play with the different functions it has. They have played their own songs, listened to songs through the headphones and even tried writing the notes onto the keys.
Category: 2C 2024-2025
Over the next couple of weeks we will be learning about money. We will explore different coins and amounts, use these to solve problems and make amounts too. We are also opening up an Egyptian takeaway in our role play area, where we can buy the food using our money in class.
Category: 2C 2024-2025
PSHE... litter pick
In PSHE today we talked about keeping our environment clean and how we can look after it. Litter picking in your area is a great idea of how you can help keep litter from going into our water ways, seas and help keep animals from harm.
Category: 2C 2024-2025
Egyptian takeaway role play
A flyer from the local area sparked an interesting takeaway role play today in class. The children each gave themselves a job: chef, waiter, customer and played together brilliantly. All while using a topic themed resource.
Category: 2C 2024-2025
Video call to America!
2C and 2R got together to call Nancy Judd, an American Trashion artist. The children have been learning about Nancy's work during Arts Award. They got to speak to Nancy and ask her lots of questions about her work and any hints or tips for us with our project.
Category: 2C 2024-2025
Assembly in class
The class wanted to recreate our normal assembly, so we did! They absolutely loved being the band and remembered every part of our usual assembly format.
Category: 2C 2024-2025
A windy Friday...
We have had a wind and weather themed day.
Phonics was all about weather and learning new vocabulary. Then we moved around like different weather types in PE.
Category: 2C 2024-2025
For Arts Award this half term we have the focus of 'Trashion'- Trash Fashion! We began this week by exploring what trashion is and how the word is made. We then got busy diving into the recycled paper and using a broken book to make our own character necklaces.
Category: 2C 2024-2025
Food tasting!
For our new topic in DT we are food tasting. Today was our first lesson and everybody got involved in some way. We used our senses to describe the foods. The pupils tried three different types of bread and four different hummus flavours!
Category: 2C 2024-2025
Snow poetry
Category: 2C 2024-2025
Snow poetry
Category: 2C 2024-2025
Snow poetry
Category: 2C 2024-2025