We are making a Tim Burton inspired self portrait, starting with a water coloured background including a spooky border.
This piece of work will help make portfolios up for Entry Level qualification.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
Louise has been putting the finishing touches on her Tim Burton inspired portrait. Her creativity on this piece has blown us all away! Well done.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
We are working on art inspired by Tim Burton. Here’s a sneaky peak at Samuel’s self portrait.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
Video call to America!
2C and 2R got together to call Nancy Judd, an American Trashion artist. The children have been learning about Nancy's work during Arts Award. They got to speak to Nancy and ask her lots of questions about her work and any hints or tips for us with our project.
Category: 2C 2024-2025
Tim Burton Art
We have draw portraits in the style of Tim Burton as part of our Entry level qualification. We’ve used skills such as blending, toning & sketching.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
4J Art: Lego Figures
In art 4J illustrated Lego figures as either self portraits or of a chosen celebrity or TV/film personality.
Category: 4J 2024-2025
Christmas decorations
In art we have made paper chains for Xmas decorations.
Well done 3S!
Category: 3S 2024-2025
Art Christmas Creative Arts Arts and Crafts
Japanese notan designs
In Art we have produced polystyrene monoprints using our Japanese notan designs as part of our print making project for Entry Level qualifications.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
We worked as a team in Art today to create oil marble prints. We produced some fantastic work to use in our portfolios.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
Supertato to the rescue.
This week the children have worked hard to create their own Supertato, making choices about what colour mask and cape and whether they want arms or legs on their potato superhero. Well done everyone.
Category: 1A 2024-2025
Entry level Art
We’re preparing to make imprints for next stage of qualification. We carefully used cutting knives to cut out our own unique patterns.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
DT Clay Tiles: Finished
Here are our clay tiles finished after being fired in the oven.
Well Done 3S!
Category: 3S 2024-2025