
Primary PE and Sports Premium 2023-2024

Allocated Funding (£16,000 plus £10 per pupil for Years 1-6)

Primary school sports funding is used to provide qualified teachers and specialist sports coaches to support the delivery of PE lessons alongside school staff and to enable regular competition with similar schools.  Through the funding pupils have access to a wide range of PE and Sports activities and experiences.  Staff who deliver PE benefit from the extra professional development by these specialist teachers and coaches.
The current plan for how to use the PE premium money takes into consideration government guidelines around COVID -19 and the potential impact of this. Throughout the year the way we allocate the funding may alter in line with changing guidelines. 

The Support Includes

  • Curriculum development time – staff allocated time to monitor and evaluate how the new curriculum is being implemented and to audit if any new resources need purchasing.

  • Staff to attend relevant training courses to allowing them to have the expertise and confidence to deliver all aspects of the PE curriculum. Ensuring staff are upskilled remains a priority within the school.

  • Subject co-ordinator and Head of Faculty to be given ‘leadership time’ to enable them to carry out observations and ensure the PE coverage being delivered meets the needs of the pupils. 

  • Re-establish a board range of the extra curricular clubs on offer throughout the school. 

  • To help fund the range of extra curricular activities currently being delivered, including clubs in the wider community. This involves using local facilities such as Stanley Park.

  • To continue developing a cycling programme within school which allow the pupils to learn cycling skills in a safe and nurturing environment. This to include the school buying into the ‘Wheels for All’ programme, balance bike programme for lower primary and the Level 1,2 and 3 cycling qualifications. 

  • Used to develop links with external sports clubs. Working with Blackpool Community Trust to offer extra curricular clubs with their support.

  • Purchase new equipment to ensure the SoW can be delivered appropriately. This year will have a focus on fitness equipment.

  • To give the opportunity for pupils to access and take part in national competitions, e.g. Panathlon virtual games.

  • Curriculum sessions tailored to offer a variety of activities ensuring all pupils are engaged and motivated by the sessions. This will involve offering a board range of activities and using local sporting facilities. 

  • Money to be used for ‘top up’ curriculum swimming sessions. Pupils to receive 1/3 longer in the pool as a result of the PE premium funding. The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement.

  • To improve the range of activities on offer during less structured times of the school day, encouraging pupils to take part in at least 30 minutes of physical exercise each day. 

  • To support the school on our OPAL journey. Provide equipment and training needs for staff involved.

  • Equipment and training to provide staff the expertise and opportunity to incorporate physical activity in a cross curricular manner, e.g. move activities being offered during MIGI.

PE Premium 2024-2025

PE Premium 2023-2024

PE Premium 2022-2023

PE Premium 2021-2022

PE Premium 2020-2021