
In the Science Department we seek to increase an individual’s Science Capital (and in turn contribute to their Cultural Capital) by considering the latest research and thinking underpinning curriculum design, this includes the terminology:

  • Mastery;
  • Longitudinal Learning;
  • Conscious Connections;
  • Golden Threads.

It is from understanding of these that we offer a broad, balanced and relevant science curriculum that is rich in experiences, opportunities and challenges which in turn seek to inspire individuals, allowing them to build skills in deeper level thinking and resilience, ultimately affording them opportunity to work towards our over-arching Golden Threads:

  • We want our students to be able to apply science in their lives and make sensible and mindful decisions to stay safe and take care of themselves
  • We want our pupils to increase their sense of belonging to their community and be responsible global citizens.

Equal opportunities in science is taught within the guidelines of the school’s equal-opportunities policy. We ensure that all our children have the opportunity to gain science knowledge and understanding regardless of gender, gender reassignment, race, class, sexual preference, physical or intellectual ability. Our expectations do not limit pupil achievement and assessment does not involve cultural, social, linguistic or gender bias. We aim to teach science in a broad global and historical context, using the widest possible perspective and including the contributions of people of many different backgrounds.  It should be noted that Inclusion and equality are paramount principles and we consider the Equality Act of 2010; all pupils are afforded the same opportunities, regardless of ethnic origin, gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, class, religion, aptitude or disability.  
We draw examples from other cultures, recognising that simple technology may be superior to complex solutions. We value science as a vehicle for the development of language skills, and we encourage our children to talk constructively about their science experiences. 
Health and Safety

The general teaching requirements for health and safety applies in this subject and we use guidance from CLEAPPS to inform our practice.  We teach the children how to use equipment accurately and safely and all animals, including insects, being used for study are treated with respect and returned from whence they came as soon as the activity is complete.  There is a science specific risk assessment available which is updated annually.  There are also risk assessments available which pertain to any animals we look after. 

Science Curriculum