Preparation for performances
4M have been looking at different genres of Music & what suits them best as a performer. They have had a choice over instruments or using their voice as well as learning key skills for working as part of a team.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
KS4 music Performing Arts Entrylevel
Music time
In music 2C work with Miss Cassidy who has been helping the children understand how to operate a keyboard, and play with the different functions it has. They have played their own songs, listened to songs through the headphones and even tried writing the notes onto the keys.
Category: 2C 2024-2025
Band awards
Well done to William & Louise who have received silver & gold awards for their dedication to practice, following & reading musical notes, & playing on time & in tune. Are extremely proud of you both.
Music - Away in a Manger
In music, we have started to listen to the song that we will be singing in the Christmas Nativity, ‘Away in a Manger.’ We have listened to it a couple of times so hopefully we will begin to learn some of the lines real soon. Well done everyone for sitting and listening so well.
Category: 1A 2024-2025
Karaoke time!
5I had a blast during their music tech lesson. They helped put the microphone stands together and watched how to set up and test a microphone. They also discussed how creating a great atmosphere can enhance a musical session, for example using colourful lighting. A few students were brave enough…
African Drumming
Category: 3S 2024-2025
Congratulations Kamron!
On Monday, Kamron brought his medal and certificate in to show 5I his great achievement!
Kamron has worked extremely hard and attained the Gold Music Medal Award for all of his musical contributions whilst being at PCA! A huge well done to Kamron!
Category: Sixth Form 2024-2025
Gold music award
Well done to Kamron & Nathan who were presented with their Gold Award in music in assembly today. Their dedication, hard work & commitment to the band made this achievement possible. A huge well done.
Category: Sixth Form 2024-2025
Mario music
Samuel treated us to a Mario masterclass in music! He taught a few other students from 4M how to make the Mario sound effects.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
Students have been making their own music! They have been downloading their favourite short clips of a song/speech to Band Lab & adding in a combination of sounds of their choosing.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
Category: 3S 2024-2025
Music making
4M are composing & recording music on brand new music software ‘Musicbox’.
This software has helped in finding the different structure of how music is made up.
Category: 4M 2024-2025