

Image of Myerscough

Our students have enjoyed meeting the ferrets and taking them out for thier first walk around foundation learning. 

Category: Sixth Form

Learning outside the classroom Myerscough College collegelinks


Buying supplies from the Range for our volunteering work.

Image of Buying supplies from the Range for our volunteering work.

5M and 5I have visited the Range shopping centre to collect supplies for enterprise and volunteering activities.  We practiced looking for items we needed and asking the shop assistants for help. 

Well done 


Category: Sixth Form

ECO Sixth Form Learning outside the classroom preparationforlife


1000 piece jigsaw completed

Image of 1000 piece jigsaw completed

Daniel has spent the last 2 weeks trying his best to complete this jigsaw in his free time. 
congratulations Daniel you did it and we are all very proud of you. 
On to the next one…..

Category: Sixth Form


Mia on Parade

Image of Mia on Parade

Mia attended the Remembrance Day Service at Chorley representing the Police Cadets. She wore her uniform with pride and marched with her fellow cadets in memory of all the soldiers.

Category: Sixth Form


Animal Enrichment at Myerscough College

Image of Animal Enrichment at Myerscough College

In the afternoon Oracle students used the materials gathered in the morning to enrich the animal's environments.

Category: Sixth Form

KS5 collegelinks Myerscoughcollege animalcare


Foraging for Enrichment Materials

Image of Foraging for Enrichment Materials

In the morning at Myerscough College the pupils foraged around the college's wild spaces for enrichment materials for the animals.

Pupils collected bramble cuttings for the stick insects, leaves for the chickens and willow cuttings for the chickens and guinea pigs.

Category: Sixth Form

collegelinks Myerscoughcollege animalcare


Myerscough group

Image of Myerscough group

Students have been handling the Bearded dragon and the Geko today at Myerscough. They have worked in groups to bath both reptiles in preparation for them shedding their skin. 
Students also cleaned out the Gerbil cages and make the rodents some enrichment of their enclosures. 
well done…

Category: Sixth Form

ECO Sixth Form Life skills College Links Preparation For Life Learning outside the classroom


Myerscough College

Image of Myerscough College

Students have learnt about looking after snakes and how they shed their skin. Alec lives at Myerscough and is a corn snake. Students handled and prepared a bath for Alec as this is part of helping him to stay healthy after a shed of skin. Students followed instructions and worked as a team to make…

Category: Sixth Form

ECO College Links Learning outside the classroom Teamwork Myerscough College


5M Having Therapy dog fun!

Image of 5M Having Therapy dog fun!

5M have been having lots of fun with Daisy our Therapy dog. Playing fetch with different toys and giving her commands. 

We love playing with Daisy and Molly.



Category: Sixth Form



Image of Myerscough

Students have been handling small animals safely, doing health checks and weighing them. This data was then put into a spreadsheet by Aaron so there is a weekly log. 

Well done!

Category: Sixth Form

ECO Learning outside the classroom Myerscough College Independent learning


Myerscough College

Image of Myerscough College

As part of the students external college placements, we will be visiting Myerscough College on a Tuesday. 

Today students have had a health and safety talk and groomed the Guinea Pigs. We have talked about the health benefits of keeping the Guinea Pigs well groomed and how to look out for…

Category: Sixth Form

ECO Sixth Form College Links Learning outside the classroom Myerscough College


No more fizzy pop!

Image of No more fizzy pop!

5I have been experimenting on eggs. We placed eggs into different drinks and left them for a week.  The results were clear….Ribena, Lucozade and all fizzy pops not only stained teeth but also rotted them away. Lucozade, Dr Pepper and Coke were the worst showing quite shocking results, they had…

Category: Sixth Form